AirBnb Hosting Services

What we do for you the property owner.

airbnb host services

As a host, there are several things that you can expect from the hosting services provided by Airbnb. Here are some of the key things that Airbnb does for property owners: 

  1. Listing your property: Airbnb allows you to list your property on their platform and provides tools for you to create an attractive listing that showcases your property’s best features. You can add photos, write a description, set your price, and choose your availability. 
  2. Managing bookings: When a guest requests to book your property, Airbnb handles the booking process for you. They’ll handle the payment and send you the guest’s contact information and details of the booking. They also provide you with a calendar that you can use to keep track of your bookings. 
  3. Providing support: If you have any questions or concerns about your listing or a booking, you can reach out to Airbnb’s customer support team for assistance. They can help you with everything from setting up your listing to handling a difficult guest. 
  4. Handling payments: Airbnb collects payments from guests on your behalf and pays you directly via a secure payment system. They also provide you with tools for managing your finances, including reports on your earnings and tax information. 
  5. Marketing your listing: Airbnb promotes your listing to potential guests through its website and mobile app, as well as through targeted marketing campaigns. This can help increase your visibility and attract more bookings. 
  6. Offering insurance: Airbnb provides hosts with liability insurance of up to $1 million per listing, in case of damage or injury to a guest or their property during their stay. 


Overall, Airbnb provides a comprehensive suite of hosting services that can help property owners maximize their earnings while minimizing their workload and risk.